
I'm José.

Founder and CEO of SolOn Angolastart-up, as well as CTO of CryptoLab i-tech start-up. Moreover,I am freelancer Website Developer.

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José profile picture


I am Ph.D in Microelectronics and medical instrumentation associated with AI. Furthermore, I am Web Developer, I was partner in a start-up project about medical devices designing and Data sciences. I have good skills in multidisciplinary projets,industrial, mainly for the complex systems modelling and numerical simulations. I worked on multidisciplinary, medical engineering projects for 3 years. I ❤️ dance and feel free when I am on the dance floor.
I am really motivated to start a new challenge. Interested in experimental measurements and microtechnologies, I can not wait to start a new position as an industrial junior projet manager.

My Skills.


Data Sciences & Engineering

I worked for 3 years in a simulation platform development, to modelize and predict the perfomance of a multiparameters systems, thancks to a simulation datas and a ANN model trainig and test. I have been working in a personal projet about bot developement for intelegints investiments on the crypto curency stock market.


R&D engineer in Microelectronics & Microfabrication

I developed an Implanteble microprobe, for medical applications, thanks to the microelectronics manufacturing technology and numercial modelling softwares for the device design and optimization.


Website Developer

I started learn code because I wanted to build my own Website. Since this moment I have been leanring and helping people to build himself Website, as well as build the one of some societies. Ictually, I have developed the SolOn Angola Website, and taught more than 10 people how to build his own Website and get some base about Data sciences with MATLAB.

Get In Touch

If you believe that we can colaborate together, well I do.

Perhaps You have an industrial projet, Pluridiciplinary projets or offer, furthermore a website development projet...
I strongly believe that, we can work together!

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